Monday, March 21, 2011


We watched about 20 minutes of a video on the crusades on Friday. Overall I'd say our attention was not great. I need your feedback. For the warmup today reflect on watching the video and watching them in general. (Was the video that bad? Should I have broken it up into smaller pieces? Was it just a long week? Are Friday's a good or bad day for videos? Are you guys just sick of the crusades? What do you think about watching educational videos in general?)

[video questions]
What happened after the the crusaders took over Jerusalem?
Explain what kinds of things the crusaders built?
Saladin was a unique leader. What kind of person was he? Give 3 examples from the video to support your answer (you’ll find answers to this question throughout the video not just in this section)
What is Jihad?
Richard the Lionheart was also a unique leader. What kind of person was he? Give 3 examples from the video to support your answer (you’ll find answers to this question throughout the video not just in this section)
How did the crusades change the way Europeans treated the sick?
By the end of the crusades, how did Richard the Lionheart and Saladin treat each other?
What are some lasting effect of the crusades?


  1. the video was old and not interesting at all. It was also friday and before lunch which didn't help the cause. It was hard to understand the speaker(s). I think that you should have found a movie that was easier to understand or subtitles. I do not like the idea of breaking it down because I usually forget about what happened, I need to watch it all in one big swoop.

  2. I like the video. I found it interesting, but of course I love history. I think it was because of the long week, but Fridays I think are good for movies, because we can just relax, but some kids take advantage of that. I like learning about the crusaders I find it interesting that everything we learn goes back it religion. Educational videos are great, but it would be cool if they a little bit more up beat at least some people would say that I don't really care. I like watching them. -Chumani Wayd

  3. I think it was just a long week. It wasn't too boring. The questions made me not want to listen at all. It felt like a lot of pressure as if i had to pay attention to every single thing they were saying.

  4. I in general love to watch videos in class. But last week was not a really good week for me and i was really tired so i dozed off.

  5. There was too much noise from other classes so it was making it hard to concentrate. I couldn't hear the video well. I'm good with watching videos, it adds more variety.

  6. Honestly I was sleeping because I thought it was kind of boring I think you should bring in videos that are a little more interesting than that because that video was just flat out boring.

  7. I liked the video, it showed how all the religions were different, and how the crudaised killed many people like jew's and muslums because they didn't like their religion. But, it was cool too see everything in action.

  8. I've watched that documentary before so I wasn't really paying all that much attention.
    The crusaders made religiously held states, built churches, and made fortresses atop hills and whatnot.
    Saladin was less of an actual fighter but more of a skilled tactician, this was a major advantage because at the time, Europe was consumed by "raw" brutality, so skill over beasts. He was more bookish, had a neat beard, was more kins than not.
    Jihad is like a religious war.
    Richard the Lionheart was on the brutal and quick tempered side of the leader spectrum. He was had a fast temper, loved fighting and battling. I had a dream with him in it. We went drinking in some medieval bar and then took these giant clubs and slaughtered a bunch of monsters/humans.
    I forget, I think they began burning them instead of just throwing them in mass graves or something.
    They were like... Frienemies. Like a really twisted like-hate relationship.
    It boosted some moral when it came to religion and the rest i forgot.

  9. i thought it was very interesting but some part was a bit boring an too long other that it was a very decent video

  10. I think that the video wasn't that bad but it started to lose my interest because it was kinda long and boring!. I think you should get a better video, it was a very long week but I don't really think the movie had anything to do with it. Fridays are great day for movies!.. Honestly I felt like we just started learning about them so I can't really be sick of it yet. I love educational movies when they are interesting.

  11. I like watching videos in this class. I just that the video was a little boring watching.

  12. The video was kinda interesting but not as much as i need to stay focused, but i really don't care for informational videos about the past because this stuff really doesn't help me in life but if it is about aquatic animals then yes because i love learning about animals in the oceans and seas.

  13. All I remember from the video is when they tested out the weapons. The archers had a method using their thumb to get better length on their arrows. And swords and hammers and stuff.
