Monday, March 28, 2011

End of the Quarter RANT


I am crabby today. Thursday and Friday I checked in with you students so you'd know what is missing and what needs to be done to bring our grades up... so I sit down to grade this weekend excited to see what you guys have written and made but there is a problem. Where is the work to grade? Why haven't my students finished it or at least email me to let me know that they need more time? Why isn't my RSS feed for blogs full with updates? What about the in-class assignment from Friday? At least I'll have those to look at... nope only 12 students turned in the assignment. Those who said they'd email it to me this weekend didn't and those who said they put in it my dropbox first thing today didn't... major FAIL.

Check your grade. Write a comment about it. Get ready to work. You are not getting time to work on old work today.



  1. My grade is a D+ right now and I think that I could do all my current events if we get work time. I could do another work that needs to be done.

  2. I think i kinda got a nice grade all i think all i have to do is work on a few things. I will try and work on old work at home

  3. I have to get my blogs up to date and my islamic art post, then I will be where I need to be. I need to also turn in my life as a soldier assignment.

  4. I'm cool with my grade, I'll try to improve it though.

  5. I am doing what I have to do, Im trying to level out all my classes.

  6. I am disappointed in my grade meaning I need to get this work in and stay on top of my things next quarter because the school year is almost over and I'm not trying to go to summer school I am trying to get a job. J.O.B JOB

  7. I have to do all of my current events

  8. Umm... basically I just have to do current events and my grade will go up. But It's hard because I don't have internet at the house but I will try.

  9. WELL NOW ISN'T THAT A PROBLEM. You never even talked to me, lol. I don't think I'm missing anything, but I can always give you some random stories that include aliens and buildings that are blowing up if that can make you feel any better. FFF I should probably take this blog thing seriously but I just don't know why I'm not. I think it's because I already have a blog type thing on a different site and I do a lot of stuff there. But I wouldn't mind doing some extra credit work, actually I kind of need it. Awesome, my grade's a B, but I don't know what I'm missing... It doesn't look like I am. jdfhkdjjk I don;t know how it got so low.. Huuagh I need something better now. I was at an A just yesterday, this is distressing.

  10. I haven't found any thing interesting to write about and the crusaders thing I pretty much finished, but there was a couple things I had to finish on it. -Chumani Wayd

  11. idk what my grade is but i am pretty sure it is low because i haven't turd in my current event work on my blogg

  12. Scary. e_e

  13. I still need to get my blogs done...

  14. I need to do my blogs which I have been failing at but mainly because I have been so focused on my Animal Behavior project that I forgot all about that. I know it doesn't excuse it though.

  15. My grade is getting better, gotta turn in some more stuff.

  16. My grades are okay. I'm trying to get my grade up in Ms. Barr's class, Mr. Jarman's class and Ms. Williams class to an A. If I do that then I would have all A's.

  17. My grade is ok,but I know I can do better....

  18. Well some of us think that we didn't need anytime because we thought everything is in. but when we found out our grade or what we are missing then we want some work time.

  19. My grade in this class is not as good as I wish it was. I have a C. It feels like back when I was having the issue of coming to school late, my grades were higher.

    I have emailed you about the assignments:
    1. Blog: Current Event crusade article
    2. Islamic Art Post
    3. Crusader Shield

    because I have no idea on what I'm supposed to be doing for these assignments. I have yet to have gotten a response. I'm going to be coming into school early tomorrow (Wednesday) to work on stuff. If you could tell me what those assignments are then or email me the assignments at as soon as possible, that would be great.
