Tuesday, May 31, 2011

As a class we've now learned about some of the reasons the Cold War started and where the word come from. Think about the idea of strongly disliking someone or something but never actually coming to blow or letting them know there was an issue. Free-write about that experience or something similar for the warmup today (at least 5 minutes of writing).

Friday, May 27, 2011


Complete both of these forms as your warmup today. After you finish you can continue working on your research.

10th grade -
Cores 1 & 2 in Barr's classes they will be cleaning their laptops
Cores 3 & 4 in Hannan's classes they will be going through the digital check in form
12:20 collection of laptop, power cord, and case in Ruggles' room (406)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Causes of the Cold War.

1) Communism vs. Capitalism. How do these systems work?
2) Of the top of your head explain as many causes of the Cold War that you can remember from yesterday.
3) Go back into your notes and explain the rest of the causes we learned about.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Communism vs. Capitalism

This video is from the American perspective of the attacking the USSR. What kinds of things are the video accusing the USSR of? What is the video saying will happen if we let Communist Russia win?

Monday, May 23, 2011


[Cambio] Hi, all. Monday morning, please announce and/or put on your white board and/or whatever you do to convey info to kids that you really want them to see:
  • Cambio performers please report the stairwell foyer by the alley at 12:35 (as in, eat quickly, don't dawdle).
  • Check in with your teacher(s) once you are there.
  • If you have a costume, bring it with you Monday.
Muchas gracias --Rie
There is no power at the theater where Cambio will take place so just go to your normal arts classes.

Self-assessment: I am wrapping up my grading for this unit on Wednesday, but before you see you grades I want you to self-assess your effort and output for World War II. For each of the three categories below give yourself a grade from A-F and write two sentences justifying/explaining why you think you earned that grade (at least 1 positive and 1 negative).

Newsreel Project: B+ I really did a good job. My video had strong information and was enjoyable to watch. My final version was not quiet as polished as I would have liked but it was not embarrassing. 
Quiz: C+ I barely studied but lucked out because I watched the movie very closely. I should have spent some time reviewing the vocabulary.
Overall: B/B- I did good but not great with this unit. On the one hand my project rocked and I did the reading assignment but on the other I barely studied and only skimmed the reading.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Quiz today!

You will have 30 minutes for your quiz today.

For warmup post a comment with what would be the best way for you to review/cram for the 20 minutes before the quiz starts.

Personally, I'd take the rest of time to do the following: review the study guide, look over the notes, read the textbook, and make sure the reading assignment for this week has been dropped in the Dropbox.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Speaking Up in Class, Silently, Using Social Media

Come in and open up this link below. We are going to read it together and make a (one of two for this week) current event posts based on it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

FAIR DT one-to-one

Laptop turn in is May 27. For warmup defend out one-to-one program. (Here are comments from a star-tribune article on schools using laptops and ipads are classroom tools.)

"" We have so many budget cuts, lets buy the most expensive computers possible. Apple. What a waste of money buy 3 cheap laptops for the price of one macbook, or better yet make the students SHARE them!

So the choice between laying off teachers or buying non needed laptops?"

"Simply hard to believe, schools are telling us they are short on money Teachers are paying for paper and other supplies. Just wait until the kids loose or break the ipads. I suppose they just go in and pick up another one. The students should share the cost if possible. I think a $40.00 fee is a great idea. One thing the students will not learn is how to use the library and research facts etc for a paper."

"I have to say, I have been unimpressed with the games our school district has been promoting. The play to learning ratio is way too high. Games like hop some frog over obstacles and then you get to some place and you get a multiplication problems to solve. I prefer to just give my kid 60 problems to do with a pencil and when he is done, he can go outside and play."

"Sounds like a great idea, LOL. Children drop things, to give them a $500 piece of electronics is foolish. How many children drop their backpacks on the floor when they get home? How many children are "book dropped" in the hallway? This sounds like a very costly endeavor."

"Yep -- the old way isn't working. So the new choice is to trying a new expensive gadget or to get rid of the "old way"? I recommend getting rid of the unions (the old way) just like WI, and see how that works. It doesn't cost anything, and it CERTAINLY corrects the "old way"!!!"

"And how does this help an elementary school student learn? Can they learn to read just as well by using a BOOK? Isn't a good thing to go to the LIBRARY to do research rather than go to Wikipedia? Other districts have tried the laptop experiment and that was trumped as a "must have" How did that work out? Did those kids learn better? This is a case of extra money that needs a place to be spent."

Write about why our one-to-one program is good for students and their ability to learn or take the opposite side and write about why the program is a waste of money and should end. Start with a theses statement (The one-to-one laptop program has an overwhelmingly positive effect on my learning). Then use specific examples from your time here at FAIR DT to support your view.  

Thursday, May 12, 2011


We are going to forgo an official warmup for the third time this week. If you see this message early I'll briefly be talking with the class at the beginning of class but you'll spend the majority of the day rapping up your newsreels. The first draft of them are due tomorrow for peer-review (you'll get points for doing reviewing and having a draft to share). The final video is due on Monday.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Newsreel rubric

Follow the link below to see the rubric for our newsreels. (Do not fill it out yet. We will be peer reviewing later this week.)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Schindler's List

For warmup today please start a blank pages document. Save it as Name_ViewingGuide_WH#. Copy paste the words below into your viewing guide. Then use the internet to find the definitions for the following words (also try to find a photo for each word):
Amon Goeth-
Oskar Schindler-
OD (Jewish Ghetto Police)-
SS (Schutzstaffel)-
Plaszow Forced Labor Camp-

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Music makes all the difference.

Music can make all the difference in creating mood and effecting people. For warmup today free-write for 6 minute about how music effects your day-to-day life and how music can change people (either temporarily and/or long-term).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden is Dead

The New York Times (You can read the complete story here.)
WASHINGTON — Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the most devastating attack on American soil in modern times and the most hunted man in the world, was killed in a firefight with United States forces in Pakistan, President Obama announced on Sunday night.

In a dramatic late-night appearance in the East Room of the White House, Mr. Obama declared that “justice has been done” as he disclosed that American military and C.I.A. operatives had finally cornered Bin Laden, the Al Qaeda leader who had eluded them for nearly a decade, in the early hours of Monday local time. American officials said Bin Laden resisted and was shot in the head. He was later buried at sea.

For todays warmup make one of your two current event post for this week. Again here below are the four parts of your current event post. Make sure you are not just answering the questions instead you should be rewriting the questions in your paragraph answers.
-Summarize the article.
-Explain why this article/event matter to you personally.
-Explain how it connects to what you are learning about in school (any class or just in general).
-Explain how this event makes you feel about the world in general.

For more information on Osama bin Laden's life and death check out the following links:
timeline- http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/05/02/world/20110502-osama-timeline.html
reactions from around the world- http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia/2011/05/20115241936984209.html
after Bin Laden what is next- http://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/02/after-osama-bin-laden/?ref=asia
obituary- http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/02/world/02osama-bin-laden-obituary.html?pagewanted=1&ref=asia