Friday, April 29, 2011

Research of Another Kind

Watch this newsreel from the same time period as World War II. As you think about the newsreel you are creating, answer the following questions:
1) What are some things that this newsreel did well to create suspense and drama?
2) If you were directing this newsreel what would you change to make it better?
3) What techniques or ideas can you steal from this newsreel to make yours more authentic?

Make sure I have access to the following pieces of work:
-your sources (in MLA format)
-your notes
-your storyboard
-this weeks current events

I'll be catching up on my grading this weekend. Check out your grades late Sunday to see where you are at.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Our Second run Pixar Animation style storyboard jam with a sneak preview of production.

A more polished storyboard from Pixar's film Up.
Today we'll be making our storyboard for the newsreel project. For warmup today write about your experiences with storyboards. If your never used them before write some guesses about what they might be used for and why they are useful (based on the images above). You are expected to write at least a paragraph today.

The class, myself included, has been getting lacks with our engagement during the warmup. The expectations of the warmup are the follow:
-As you come in quietly find your seat and load up this blog. (Do not load anything else first.)
-Read the directions and completely follow the directions. (Somedays I ask for a specific amount of writing, others I ask for you to write for a specific time, and other I just want you to answer the questions.)
-When time is up quickly close your laptop and give me your attention so I can explain the day's plan. (Between myself and the timer you have enough warning that you can stop when I ask you. You can always continue your writing later in class.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Newsreel Check-In

I've heard and seen good things concerning the research for the Newsreel. For your warmup today I want to you answer the following three questions:
What is going well about your project so far?
What are you excited to work on for this project?
What are you worried about and what do you need some guidance from me on?

Here are some note taking ideas, a.k.a. sub topics:*
What was the event and how did it happen?
Why did the even happened? (What events/personalities led to it?)
Who was a hero or what is a human interest story within the event?
What effect did the even have on World War II? (What was the outcome/result?)

*Tomorrow you will have sometime to research but not the whole hour.

Monday, April 25, 2011


You'll have time to work on your World War II newsreels in class today but before we go forward lets look back...
Two weeks about we learned about the issues facing German that led to the rise of Hitler and World War II. Last Monday as the warmup I asked you to review/remember these issues. Did it stick? Well here is the same question. What are the four major issues facing Germany (and most of Europe) following World War I? This time I am looking for concise answers so try to fully explain your answer to this question in under 140 characters (like a tweet).

-If your are looking for an interesting story to start this weeks current events off, look no further. (A senior at a south-central Washington high school faked her pregnancy for the past six months as a social experiment for her senior project.)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. What is your take on Earth Day? (Does it server a purpose? Does it help? Do we need it?)

If you have extra time you can calculate your carbon footprint here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Google tasks

For your warmup today I want you to do one of this weeks current events. (Remember you need two a week posted to your personal blog. Last week we skipped them because of the reading test.)

The current event comes from one of the news websites or arts blogs I shared with you earlier this year. It has four parts (paragraphs) with the following information:
-Summary of the event/posting
-Why does it matter to you personally? Why did you pick this event?
-How does it connect to what you are learning in school (any class)?
-What does it say about the world in general? 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today we'll be looking at how nations of both sides of World War II used propaganda to influence people. To get us thinking about theses kinds of influences answer the following questions:

What is your favorite company or brand?
What do they sell or do?
Why is it your favorite?
What commercials do they have?
How else have you heard of them?


Monday, April 18, 2011

Setting the stage for World War II

There are four major issues facing Germany (and most of europe) after WWI. Based on what you learned Friday list all four then explain what they mean and why Germany/Europe was suffering. Lastly, explain how each of these issue might lead to more violence. If you get stuck use your notes from Friday.

1) Sea attacks- Many sharks on both sides died. Germany and Europe were suffering because of these deaths. More violence might be around the corner because all that killing leads to fear and mistrust, which in turn might bring back more violence.

[learning objectives]
Who was Adolf Hitler?
What did National Socialist German Workers' Part (Nazi Party) want?
How did the rise of Nazism happen?
How did the Nazis rule?

Friday, April 15, 2011

The beginnings of World War II

This week we did not do any current events as homework. Instead for your warmup today write about anything you know going on. It can be local (even as local as in FAIR DT), national or international. If you haven't been connected to news instead write about your spring break and how you spent the 10 days off or your experiences during the GRAD reading test. You are expected to write for the whole warmup time.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

MCA testing is done and we can now resume our regularly scheduled programing.

BTW- I hate these kinds of posters.
New quarter. New desk arrangement. New seating chart. New unit. (no more GRAD testing too). = Quarter 4 success!

As you come in find your seat. You actually will not need your laptop for most of today. So just quickly post your initial thoughts on your new seat (good/bad/ok & why?). After you finish you can put your laptop away. You'll only have about 2 minutes for the warmup today.