Friday, April 15, 2011

The beginnings of World War II

This week we did not do any current events as homework. Instead for your warmup today write about anything you know going on. It can be local (even as local as in FAIR DT), national or international. If you haven't been connected to news instead write about your spring break and how you spent the 10 days off or your experiences during the GRAD reading test. You are expected to write for the whole warmup time.


  1. I think my GRAD test went good. I re-read all the questions and when I had vocabulary I went back into the reading and looked it up. I just hope all my hard work that I did works other wise I won't be in high school anymore and I'm dropping out!!! Like, Diamond.

  2. Today is a day of Silence to support gay rights in schools. This something dear to my heart, and I see people treating it as a joke, running around with whiteboards treating it as a game, its not. Its not when you get your head stuffed down a toilet just because your gay, bi, lesbian, trans. Im guessing they don't even care, they are just doing it for they don't have to talk to their teachers or peers. To look cool.

  3. well i know that japan keep having after shocks. The people in japan are having earthquake sickness which means that they think that i the ground is shaking but it that all i know about what going on in the world. I think they got a little help by the united states.

  4. I spent my spring break doing nothing really. I watched a lot of tv, and listened to music. I went to the hospital and supported my grandpa with his open heart surgery. Most of the time though, I sat around and ate my boredom away because I didn't have any of my closest friends on spring break with me. Oh well though, at least at the beginning of it I got to see my family, and finally get to talk to my grandpa while he is not drunk.

  5. I saw a commercial for the news saying that this is the lasted Easter has ever been and that they think the moon had to do with it. I don't really watch the news anymore, because I have been feeling stressed and I tend to go to bed earlier then normal. Spring break was boring I did nothing other than make a skirt and watch TV. I got celebrate my dad's birthday thou. I didn't sleep much two days we had testing so I kept falling alseep during it.

  6. I know that is a massive storm that is heading east and it killed about 8 people it also took the roofs off of peoples houses. So it left people with no homes.

  7. I didn't do too much over spring break, mostly I just relaxed. I did schedule two auditions for two different shows, the first one is this Saturday and I'm really excited. The next one is next Monday. The first show I'm auditioning for is called Assassins and it's by Stephen Sondheim, it's a very interesting show that has to do with American History. As you could guess from the title, it's about presidential assassins and it's very controversial, but that's why I'm excited to audition for it. The other show is less well known, it's called Runaways. It's about young teenagers who are runaways and why they did it. It also looks interesting.

  8. During the spring break i went to Chicago with my family just to chill an shop

  9. I know that on the news they say that it's going to rain/snow but this week was pretty good. For my spring break i kinda stayed in the house for most of the time.

  10. During spring break I attended the ICD review meeting. It was on Deltabeta 87.4. I had to take a really long elechemplane ride there. It took approximately 4.34 seconds in real-time, but you know, space time and whatnot is complicated. There was some annoying fletchers aboard. I mean, I don't want to be racist, but jeezus those guys are loud. I met Dr. Jijemelh at the station. I thought for sure he was a gelefrayan, but he’s actually from a planet or two away, a nixion. The station on Deltabeta 87.4 is the best, by the way, much better than ours sadly. The counterbalance system and connection chambers are much smoother and receive your cognitive essence much faster. Oh well. Upon reaching the ICD review session I was able to meet both Dr. Baj-i-Riata and Ph. Merveniu, both of which are geniuses in the field. I was very humbled to meet them. If you wanted to know, "ICD" stands for "Interspace Calculated Distortion". It's a new, faster way of traveling through large quantities of space. It's a bit expensive, but that doesn't matter. Through FST (Flexible Space Tunneling) you first must open and then condense a pathway of space, creating a vacuum between you and your desired location. Most of the time you take an elechemplane, but you can take an elechemote if needed. It takes up little energy, but still too much, the production/maintenance of the portals and connection chambers cost a lot, not the actual travel. If we are able to make ICD a possibility, the chambers will be able to hold more than one person at a time, and the elochemplanes won’t be needed. I was able to test it myself by traveling from one side of the room to another almost instantaneously. Truly remarkable. After testing, no more than 3 molecules of mine went missing, much less than the 10 to 20 that would go missing with FST. These molecules were easily replaced naturally, and I didn’t need to even go to the M-reviver. It was quite remarkable. Of course, it wasn’t all just fun and games, we had to speak to the officials. The board is heavily against ICD travel, they think it’s too dangerous. ICD doesn’t make a vacuum through space exactly, but it breaks through the dimension of space. Behind what we “see” is a second layer of “space” the color is a reddish hue, with a few blue and white specks. If you walk through this part of the second-space, when you would averagely walk for 10 minutes you would walk for approximately 5 minutes. If we took FST and traveled through this second space, what would normally be 4 seconds becomes 2! The reason less molecules are pulled off is because, since it’s a second space, it doesn’t easily accept molecules form out space. The officials know nothing, except perhaps Ms. Hallaman. She is open and accepting of new things. I hope that she rubs off to the rest of these stuffy old men, and they allow official safe travel with ICD. Alas, after a few days of debating and testing, I had to go home through FST, not ICD. I think that in the future they will have to learn for themselves what they are giving up. Seriously.

  11. Over spring break I got a kitten and I named her Artemis. I think it fits her perfectly because she loves being sneaky and pouncing even though she isn't good at it at all. Mariah also slept over my house and we watched scary movies. This was all very fun.
    Mariah and I both agree that she is like a kitten form of me because she is clumsy, "sneaky", energetic at times, lazy at others, super cuddly with people that I really trust, and scared with new people although I still don't completely avoid them. I get scared easily like her and a spas at times.

  12. well I'm just going to write about today and yesterday. yesterday was bad real bad, but as the days go on i think I'll be able to get over it. And to today is even worse I think I need to go away for awhile.


  13. I know that are school has been offered to do the 5-k y run. Which is tomorrow at like 8 in the morning. I think it's because are school has a partnership with the ymca. I also heard if you have like a program that you do with the ymca then you don't have to pay the $20 that everyone has to pay.

  14. Im not really a news person so i have no clue about whats going on in this state. The only thing that im aware about today is Day Of Silence.

  15. there are a lot of things going on. Day of Silence for one. It's interesting because this is the first time I am participating. I think it makes one much more observant of the world around them, especially the people around them. I think a lot of people are missing the point; it's not just being silent, it's a protest for gay rights. Of course I have heard some discussion about it, but it has all been negative. I really don't see why some people don't like gay people. I mean you can not be gay. I am not gay. And you don't need to be particularly supportive of gay people, I am not. But I believe that gay people need that extra support because there are people out there that seem to expend energy to hate gay people. And I just don't see the point in that. There are all sorts of different kinds of people, and I believe that if they are not harming anyone, why should they receive any punishment for being different? it just doesn't make any sense. Like I said, I am straight, and I am not a huge super gay activist. But I do believe that people have the right to do whatever they want without trouble from others, as long as it doesn't harm anyone.

    My break was nice because I painted my bicycle a bright fluorescent pink color. It is true fluorescent, which means it glows under ultra-violet light. I am also going to get some reflective tape and put in the spokes of the wheels. However, I can't ride it yet because I got some new parts. But I can't install them because they require bike-specific tools. Damn those bike-specific tools!! so I don't know what I am going to do about that. I guess I am going to have to pay the 6 dollars an hour at the bike co-op. Damn that bike co-op! actually never mind, it's nice. but there used to be this place called the grease pit which was awesome, but then they closed but now they're opening but I don't know where.

  16. My break was okay, I don't remember much other than it being nice out, going to the con, and the grill I went too. Then again, those were the only highlights there were so of course I would remember them. It feels good to have the sun back y'know? I was able to pull my bike out- OH YEAH! I got a new bike too. (: My old one broke on the way back from my mom's work. We biked to her work ate at this pizza place. It was good, although I don't remember the name of the place. Now for some reason I have the urge to eat spaghetti aldo. Anyways, the con. It was really crowded and not as fun as it was last year. Ryan claims that fun things get less fun over time but I feel like that wasn't the case. I didn't have the things I wanted to do planned out at all! There was much more I could've done but instead I ate rice, scrambled to find someone who had our room key (we stayed over at the hotel for 2 days), and went around the dealers room. I think by the end of it I spent like 70 bucks on candy and the other 70 buck on food and an animal hat.

  17. The only thing I heard on the news this week was that the cops are beginning to ticket people who jay-walk (I don't know how you spell it). Other than that nothing else.
    I absolutely did NOTHING on my spring break. Well except hang out with my family and friends. I slept in A LOT (by a lot I mean I would sleep in until 2 or 3 pm :D ) Oh yea and I went to my little cousins birthday party. This little girl's hair caught on fire and she didn't know. Her party hat was near the lit candle when she tilted her head to the side. Her hair smelt like smoke the whole day, it was sad but funny at the same time !

  18. I don't really know of anything going on right now so I'll write about my spring break.

    During spring break, the only stuff I did really was watch TV, go on the computer, go to church, and I went to Yesenia's house 2 times. Going to Yesenia's was the only interesting thing that I did. I got to see her new kitten and she is SUPER cute. We tried taking her on a walk and she was freaking out because we put her down and we ran away so she tried to chase us and I think she was really afraid that we were gonna leave her. One of the times when she caught up to us, she climbed up my leg :D Also, when I went to her house, we went and bought four 5 hour energy drinks (2 of them were the extra strength ones) and 2 Red Bulls. We each drank a red bull and one of the 5 hour energy drinks and we also ate a bunch of cookie dough and after a while we started to not feel good.

  19. -I HATE THE GRAD TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I tried my hardest on that dumb test. Now if I do not pass then I am dropping out of school because im not taking that dumb test again. I say that because I actually tried that dumb test.

  20. I am spring break was very fun this year.I was out the home that whole week.On Monday I went to my friends to kick it with her.ON Tuesday I went outside than went to dance.On Wednesday I went to the mall with my cousin and friends and than went to dance.On Thursday I went to the movies and on Friday went to a party.

  21. The MCA testing that we did this week was actually not as hard then I though it was going to be. I really stayed focus and I did what Ms. Smith told me to for I can at lease pass the test by a 50. But other then that I am happy that we are done with test and don't have to worry about it to next year.

  22. Well I think the grad test went very well i just think that they should of made us read one passage and do like 20 questions for it. I say this because it would of been way better, impulse they made us write one essay last year !

  23. - my spring break was okay , i was sick for a day or two but i got better . i got to see two movies . which was fun . i got to go out to eat with my sisters and we had a sentimental moment i think that was one of my highlights of the break !

  24. this spring brake i had a blast I went tou to eat a couoleresturants my experience with thetest it eas reafy good some rine

  25. Something that is going on local that I am really excited about is the the Yrun?! It's a 10k run to support Fair school Downtown youth program. They are using the funds they get from the runners to support our programs! :) I am participating in this so I am can't wait!
