Thursday, April 14, 2011

MCA testing is done and we can now resume our regularly scheduled programing.

BTW- I hate these kinds of posters.
New quarter. New desk arrangement. New seating chart. New unit. (no more GRAD testing too). = Quarter 4 success!

As you come in find your seat. You actually will not need your laptop for most of today. So just quickly post your initial thoughts on your new seat (good/bad/ok & why?). After you finish you can put your laptop away. You'll only have about 2 minutes for the warmup today.


  1. I like my spot because it right up front and i can see the bored.

  2. My spots fine, I usually don't care where I sit. except the seating in the middle is weird so I kinda can't see the board very well due to those in the way.

  3. I am fine with where I am sitting. It doesn't really matter to me that much where I'm sitting. I think it's good that I'm sitting in the front, so I might do better in class.

  4. My spot is cool. Lex is cool i guess. I will have to ignore her nonsense sometimes and do my work. I think it will be fine.

  5. I wish that I could had been able to sit closer to the window but I can deal with it.

  6. I think I will like my new spot because, it's different and I'm sitting with new people.

  7. It is good. I will have to find out if i can work well with tycen .

  8. Umm... Honestly, it seems that you placed everyone who will talk to each other together. But I believe it will work well if we have group projects and partner work

  9. josh is my best buddy :))

  10. I don't like sitting in the front but it's cool i need to get my grades up.

  11. I am so happy with this spot like 100% totally. I mean now I have my back to the wall, there is a more likely chance of my survival if by any chance there is an outbreak of dimensional distortion and arrays of creatures from other worlds start popping up. Although I only have two other-worldy weapons with me at all times I know that a solid wall will always be useful. Also, now that my right eye is facing the window and my left at the entrance of the room I will be able to keep an eye on both. If there is a Quentiunium outbreak, and Estethiacs break through the border of the worlds then they will most likely attack from the air, since they are flying based animals. Just like any other creature that passes a border between the infinite choices of worlds or universes that they were not created in they will die and dissipate naturally after a few months, but those months a lot of violent things will most likely happen. Unless, of course, the universe from whence they came is so similar to ours in both gravity, bacterium, air quality and so on, then it would be a true war, with neither side at an advantage or disadvantage.
    In other words, I very much like my spot.

  12. I think i want t know about the ww1 because i think it apart of history. I think that we need to learn about our past and way they is like is today. I think that I can stay fogus is that to learn about something interesting. I like to learn about war and some other things.

  13. I'm fine with sitting by Kekiyana but I would rather sit in the back WITH Kekiyana because that is where I am most comfortable sitting at.

  14. I'm fine sitting here with my bro rob. I don't mind where I sit in your class. Otherwise I usually like sitting in the back.

  15. I like my seat a lot actually because I work with Mariah and I don't feel claustrophobic and like I am being watched

  16. -I like my spot because the people that I sit next to is the people that help me concentrate and keep me on task. Also another reason is because they help me when I need help.

  17. My initial thought is its all right☞ BUT WE WHERE BETTER AT THE BACK

  18. I like my spot and I dont want to change it because I can work with the people around me.

  19. I changed my spot to the seat that's in the middle of the whole class. But other than that I do like my spot that I have chosen. Because I sit alone, and maybe it will help me concentrate.

  20. I like are new seating chart I think I will be able to work better with the people I sit next to now.


  21. I like the spot I'm in it's fine.

  22. I like my seat, its nice, i like the back
