Friday, February 11, 2011

New seating chart

Check in with Mr. Hannan to find out your new spot. Take out yesterday's bubble map. Today free-write what it feels like when you are an outsider and picked on.


  1. I never really get picked on except by my friends and family in a playful way and I'm not an outsider to them.

  2. When I'm an outsider I don't really talk to other people. I just stay quiet and talk if I am spoken to. I try to talk to others if I feel comfortable though. It usually takes a little while though to become comfortable with a group I feel that I am an outsider to.

  3. its akw because you don't relate or know the other people

  4. Being an outsider or picked on is one of the worst things that could happen to you. It lowers your self-confidence and self-esteem. It makes you put yourself down and degrade yourself because of others.

  5. If I was a outsider i would feel really sad i guess, and maybe mad. I have never been in that situation so I really couldn't tell you what it would feel like. If i were to be in this situation I would tell my dad because he is very very treating so I think people would leave me alone after they had a conversation with him. \


  6. If I was an outsider and got picked on I would feel sad, and left out. But I have never felt left out, though. But I don't really just hang out with one person, I try to get to know everybody. Because who likes to not be involved with other people. Or maybe sometimes I think it would be good to be an outsider, like you just do your own thing. That way you never have any drama, life is just stress free!.. That's what I think about this..

  7. Describing what it's like to feel an outsider isn't easy, there's many parts to it. You can be an outsider by being from somewhere else or thinking something else. Parts of me that people don't understand make me feel like an outsider, or alone. I don't get people, people don't get me. Even if people got me the chances are they wouldn't accept me. As long as people are nice I'm open to anything.

  8. When I get bullied it does not feel good and I do not like it. The reason I say this is because the reason people say this is because they may have low self esteem or they think they need respect so they try and earn it by being mean to everybody but that just makes people scared.

