Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Free-write about you experiences with discussions, especially passionate discussions. Best experience with a discussion. What made it so good? Worse experience with a discussion. What made it so bad? How can students help discussions go better? How can teachers help discussions go better?

[Courageous Conversations - Four Agreements]

1. Stay engaged.

2. Speak your truth.

3. Experience discomfort.

4. Expect and accept non-closure.


  1. The worst discussions I have are when I am unable to discus about something I don't understand. Or when I have a great point to the topic but everyone disagrees.

  2. I can't remember a specific discussion, but what I think makes a good discussion is everyone engaged and inputting things. Listening to everyone's side also makes things interesting because everyone has their own opinion and experiences.

  3. It made it bad because they can't judge people like that. It's not right because people should have the right of free speech and be able to say what's on their mind

  4. Well when I started a discussion, either no one listens to me or it turns in to an argument. That only two people are aloud to be in. One time I started a conversation about something and my mom and my brother start arguing about the topic and I am not aloud to say anything. One because they talk over each other. Two they never think I'm right at anything. So I don't really have discussions with people.

  5. The worse discussion I have had is when i wasn't apart of the discussion or i didn't know what the discussion was about. The best discussions are when you know what the discussions are about and you want to talk about it and some one else can go against what you are saying. A student can make a discussion go better if they let everyone talk instead of talking over everyone. The teacher can make discussions go better by giving us something good to discuss about.

  6. I really don't like having discussions because it's just always turns into a fight. so I just keep what I have to say to myself.

  7. I havent really had any discussions this year at all that i cared much about. But i have had discussions before that i really liked. I have never felt and discomfort i any discussion. Im always comfortable to talk about anything. I really like discussions that make people uncomfortable because thats when people think more about something. They think about what they should and shouldnt say. Which may help people get a better understanding about what were talking about. I love when im in a discussion and everyone has something to say and everyone listens that makes a discussion go good because everyone can stay engaged.

  8. Most of the discussions I've been a part of, have been in this class. Some of them seemed like a waste of time, some of them were interesting and we got something out of it.

  9. The best discussion I had was when I got into an argument about something wIth my cousin and I had my computer so I could check and see what the right answer was and it turned out to be my answer. The worst discussion that I had was when someone proved me wrong in front of my friends.

  10. Hrm. I would have to say I have had many religious debates. Most of the time I would have them with people I hardly know, at "adult" parties where everyone is just kind of standing around wearing fancy clothes. Often I don't have anything interesting to engage with these people, I don't know them. So, they ask all the normal questions and then finally ask "Are you christian?" why they always ask if I'm christian (or catholic) I have no idea, maybe I just seem to be that-one-goody-two-shoes kid. Then I just say "No, I'm atheist." 70% of the rime they're kind of offended and start talking about how terrible it must be to be "so ignorant", and ask me why I choose to "be THAT way", mostly I counter with the story of Lot, about how bad it is to want to be gay but selling off your daughter or committing incest is just fine (Old Testament, I haven't read the new one yet). There are a couple of other odds and ends that I could also bring up, but I guess that's a long list. These are good discussions because when people who so firmly knew where they stood are questioned, they get super defensive. It's fun to watch them stutter, I think, and then question themselves. In the end we both learn things about each other.
    A worse experience would probably be with someone who isn't... Excepting, would be a nice word. I mention that I don't believe in god or the like and they literally get angry, and throw a flip attack at me. Most of the time saying that I'm going to Hell, forever damnation all that.

  11. I love discussions when both people are making sense and are not just saying non sense about random stuff. Also when the opposing group doesn't just say stuff because they want to and they listen to what others say not just be stubborn because they don't like being proved wrong. I get really passionate when it is a debate about something I think is unrighteous. Like lack of gay rights, religion discussions, etc etc...

  12. -I have good and bad discussions everyday. The type of discussion that I have with people depends on what they say to me.

  13. I haven't had any experiences with discussions or passionate discussion, but I did HAVE an experience with a good debate. It was last year and it had to do with the election and Obama vs. McCain. Any class discussions we have had I never really liked or gave attention for because it was nothing I could relate to.

  14. discussion what do I think about it I think you are just talking with a nother person about any topic
    what makes a good topic humor horror i dont know good stuff.

  15. A good discussion that I remember having is like when I get talked to about an award I will receive. Those are always good to hear.

    An example of an bad discussion is when I ask my parents if I could do something, and then they end up saying no... Or they take a really long time to think about it..

  16. Hmmm. Well, I think what makes a good passionate discussion is when people respect each other. Often times two individuals with opposite views will get into a sort of back and forth about something, and I think it's important for them to respect each other. One thing that I've been thinking about in general lately is empathy; thinking about other people's perspective. I think that's why I am getting less angry at people for things, it's because I am teaching myself to see things from their perspecitve. And when I do that, I often find that their actions and their opinions are valid. So in a discussion that's probably the most important thing. All of the other important things, respect, engagemant, truth, come after empathy. I also think we should briefly talk about empathy during actual discussions, especailly when those discussions present a chance for people to share deeply personal things.

    I think that bad discussions involve a characteristic lack of interest. People really have to care about the topic in order for them to talk passionatley and respectfully about it. When you have people that don't care, they don't engage, they don't tell the truth, etc. So..... yeah.

  17. Discussions are fun definitely when they are with the hole class. I have not had a bad discussion in a long time, but I think I might have one coming up because of grades I don't think I did my best so I might have one coming up.


  18. I don't know what I like about discussions. As long as it's interesting i'll pay attention. It can be hard to say ones opinion, especially if the idea is unpopular.

  19. The best discussions is when everyone is talking about it.It makes it better when its on a good topic.
