Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our New Year's Resolution.

According to the Greek tradition, New Years Eve coincided with the rebirth of Dionysus (god of the grape harvest, chaos and ecstasy). In modern tradition, “Old Man Time” is frequently retired on New Years Eve as a younger incarnation ushers in the events of the New Year.
-What old habits (bad habits) could you get rid of for a successful and happy 2011?
-Do you have a New Year's resolution for 2011 yet? Why or why not?
Our world history class's resolution
I spent much of my winter break catching up on all my grading... thus you either already have a grade printout in front of you or will very shortly. My personal resolution is to not fall that far behind in grading again. :)
Luckily for us the end of the semester is not until the 27th of January because there are many missing assignments. We are going to start our 2011 in world history off by having a quiet study hall to catch up. Everyone needs to work quietly and independently in his/her seat. I am here to answer questions and help so don't be afraid to ask for it. You can get right to work. Also next Monday I'll be calling every student in danger of not passing world history (a D or lower). 


  1. My New Year's resolution is to make sure I get all my grades up before the semester ends.

  2. I don't really have any bad habits, but I am trying to be nicer to my cat.

  3. my new reloution is that to have all a's by the end of the quater the reason because i really want to try it.

  4. I could change my grades around so that I could do better
    My new year reselution is do better in school

  5. I need to get all of my homework.
    No because every time i try do do a new years resolution i never do go through with it.

  6. Umm... Some bad habits that I could get rid of not doing my homework and start doing it.
    And my new resolution is to dunk by the end of the year like Blake Griffin

  7. : What old habits (bad habits) could you get rid of for a successful and happy 2011?
    - Something that I could change to be successful is to hand in work and be more responsible.

    : Do you have a New Year's resolution for 2011 yet? Why or why not?
    - No I don’t have any New Year resolution 2011 but I want to be a better person and try my hardest! .

  8. Old habits i could get rid of are turning in my work late and not starting my homework sooner.

    I don't have a new years resolution yet because i haven't thought about it.

  9. I don't really have a new years resolution yet an i don't know if I'm going. my bad habits that I want to get rid of is doing my homework at the last minute.

  10. My New Years Resolution is to be a better person and get better grades. I wanna get all A's so im able to PSEO next year so I can get done with my generals. Because then when I go to a big college like the U of M or Iowa state I can get right into Veterinarian school and be done the time Im 25.

  11. My new years resolution is to stay G, live life to the fullest like i been doing. And the old habit i will drop is sleeping late and missing my first bus

  12. I think I could probably manage my time well. I often go home and I don't touch my homework until 9:00 or something. If I dealt with my homework better I would be happier and better-rested.

    I don't have a new years resolution. I know what parts of me I need to change, and I agree that the new year is a good motivator, but I'm just sort of "meh" about it. I don't really think about it.

  13. -What old habits (bad habits) could you get rid of for a successful and happy 2011?

    Not complain so much.

    -Do you have a New Year's resolution for 2011 yet? Why or why not?

    Well I want to learn how to do a push up because I've never been able to do one

  14. I could try to get to bed earlier doing school. I'm usually half asleep. I'm good today though, I went to bed super early. I don't quite have a resolution yet. I didn't give it much thought.

  15. 1. Be more responsible, work on my social and decision skills.

    2. Get out of my comfort zone more often and get my priorities straight

  16. What old habits (bad habits) could you get rid of for a successful and happy 2011?

    I could quit my bad habit of not doing my homework
    - I will start doing my homework right when i get home.

    Ariana Warren

  17. 1. Something that I could change is probably my bad habit of doing my homework at the very last minute.
    2. No I don't have any New Years resolutions.

  18. -My bad habbit is that i do not want to change anything. And i will not change anything.!

  19. Procrastination and not doing work at all.

    No, I don't change just because of a date. I change because I need to change.

  20. -What old habits (bad habits) could you get rid of for a successful and happy 2011?
    My bad habit is not answering the phone
    -Do you have a New Year's resolution for 2011 yet? Why or why not?
    Work out more for dance and answer the phone more often.

  21. New years sucked. I had plans with my friends but they were canceled to go to a lodge up north with my moms side of the family. To play board games and eat stale food. My man baby uncle was the one that dragged us there even though he had the stomach flu. He got us all sick, including my father who has been struggling with his health after a battle with meningitis. So the last freeking days of my vacation were ruined by my jack ass uncle. THE END
