Monday, January 24, 2011

Crunch Time.

The semester is fast coming to an end. The last day of the semester is this Thursday, January 27. Look up your current grades using SchoolView. If you don't have a login/password we need to get you setup for second semester!
1) Calculate your current semesters GPA using (All your courses this semester are worth 1 credit hour) What is it?
2) Is it lower or higher then you expected?
3) Outline a plan of what you can/should do over the next three or four days to raise your GPA?
4) What are three reasons for caring about your GPA even though you are only a sophomore in high school?


  1. I want to get into PSEO so it's very important that I keep my GPA above 3.7, because I want badly to get into this program. It's important to care about your GPA because collages look into your grades back until the 6th grade to see if you're a valid and good student to come into their collage.

  2. 3.5 it is what I thought it was and I felt like I did the whole thing for nothing. PSEO. Collage.

  3. 1. 3.28
    2. It is what i expected.
    3. Turn in everything I am missing
    4. So i can do PSEO next year.

  4. I think imma try and do all of my missing work by thursday or wednesday

  5. my gpa is 3.85. I suppose I would like it to be higher, but it's not that bad. Mostly the reason it's not a 4.0 is my lack of homework doing. I hate homework, and I guess it shows. I suppose the only way to improve this is to buckle down and do my dang homework.

  6. 2. It's around what I expected
    3.Turn in missing assignments and do the extra credit for math
    4. It all adds up in the long run and could increase your total average.

  7. It is higher than I expected :)

    I think to make my grades higher, I should make sure I bring my grade up in Spanish so I have all A's and then also keep all my grades as A's

    Even though we are in 10th grade, it still counts. Colleges still look at our 10th grade report cards. We need a certain GPA to do PSEO. Also, it makes your parents happy when you get good grades.

  8. 2. It is 1 point lower than what I thought was my GPA.
    3. To raise my GPA I need to study as much as possible for my semester exams in 3 of my classes in order to raise my GPA.
    4. (From what I've heard)Colleges look at your GPA from 9-12 grade, it adds up all together overall.

  9. its where i expected it to be
    as much home work as i can and turn in missing assignments
    because i dont want it to be low
    that wasent part of my goal

  10. 1) Calculate your current semesters GPA
    2) Is it lower or higher then you expected?
    3) Outline a plan of what you can/should do over the next three or four days to raise your GPA?
    Turn in all my work.
    4) What are three reasons for caring about your GPA even though you are only a sophomore in high school?
    To get in college.

  11. 1) Calculate your current semesters GPA using (All your courses this semester are worth 1 credit hour) What is it?
    I have a 1.57.

    2) Is it lower or higher then you expected?

    3) Outline a plan of what you can/should do over the next three or four days to raise your GPA?
    My plan would be too long to put on here, but my GPA will be 2.0, and then I'm going to have to get all A's for the rest of the year to have a 3.1. It doesn't sound likely to go from a 1.57 to a 4.0, but I'm going to have to do it. I don't have a choice.

    4) What are three reasons for caring about your GPA even though you are only a sophomore in high school?
    College, PSEO, scholarships.
