Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Greek Thinkers


Schedule for Wed. Jan 5th
Staff/Student Basketball Game
8:40 - 9:30 Core 3 (50 min)
9:35 - 10:45 Core 4 (70 min)
10:50 - 11:55 Core 1 (65 min)
12:00 - 12:20 Lunch
12:25 Leave for Target Center to watch Staff/ Student Basketball Game

1:00 - it’s over =  Game
Around 2:00 Leave for FAIR
2:20ish - 3:10 6th hour
Don’t bring book bags or computers, just yourself. :)

80+ FAIR Crystal Students are visiting today & will be going to Target Center with us.

Reminders about Behavior:
The WHOLE school is going to this event!
Represent yourself & FAIR Downtown well.
Help the little kids out if they need it.
- Mind your language.
- Be polite and courteous.
- Stay together.

Seating at the Target Center:
Preferential seating given to the lower grades so they can sit with their classes.
High school all sit together & as close to the court as possible (within first 5 rows or as needed)

-Nothing can be more absurd than the practice that prevails in our country of men and women not following the same pursuits with all their strengths and with one mind, for thus, the state instead of being whole is reduced to half.

Free-write about this quote for 5 minutes. You will need to write at least a paragraph of 5 or more sentences to receive ANY credit for todays warmup. If you run out of stuff to write about you can go to and choose a second quote to write about.


  1. To me this quote means that people think with their head.

  2. If you don't practice then you will not get the full potential of what can be accomplished.

  3. It's saying that if we all started thinkin then the united states will be smarter and do things alot better.

  4. It is talking about how no body is working hard so our society is lazy. It talks about how people worked harder then the world would be easier and maybe better.

  5. What i think it means that people is doing what their not happy with what their doing. I think that people are not finishing what their job are. I think that

  6. I think this quote means that if not everyone in a state is thinking the same as everyone else there will be arguing. Minds will contradict and discussions will slow down process in moving forward. It's not saying that everyone should be hand and hand and sing in harmony.It is saying that if groups are formed and are ignorant to hearing from others to decide to move on forward then he strength of the state will be reduced. If there is no official stability there is no base to build off.

  7. This is true just like in school people do half the work they could do , so that their just average. When they could do better and try harder they could be above average. If people put there all in to something that their are doing it could be 10x better. In the economy we have to day if people would try harder to work and get out of debt things could be easier. Thats why things are not as good as they could be like with this going green if every one put in as much effort as they could they could make this plant so much fresher and clean again.

  8. Well, I think this might be talking about gender equality or something? Or perhaps it's more about people just working together. I think he is saying that people should be working together, because when you work in unison with other people, you get more done. I bet that he was getting kind of frustrated with all of the petty differences people were having with each other. They were letting little things get in the way of the big picture, and that meant that they weren't doing great things. That's why he was using the word "absurd". Society is acting at half its capacity because people aren't working together I guess.

  9. I think what the quote is saying is that men and women need to have the same goals. If not, then the country is only half as good as it could be. I think this is true because we live in an age where people are still unequal and limited because of what they are.

  10. I honestly have no idea what this quote means.

    "And what, Socrates, is the food of the soul? Surely, I said, knowledge is the food of the soul."

    I think this means exactly what it says. Knowledge is food for your brain. When you learn more you become more smart.

  11. A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.

    Well this quote is saying that he must not like statistics. therefore he bases all his decision on his knowledge instead of basing it on statistics.

    Ariana Warren

  12. -Quote: Life must be lived as play.
    -What this quote means to me is that you should not take life to serious. Also it means that you only live once so make it fun while it last because you will never be able to live the same life more then once.Even though people may laugh at you because they think that you are being immature but the truth is you are just living life.

  13. I didn't understand the quote so i chose another one. "A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers."
    What this quote (I think) means to me is that you don't need to know things based on numbers. If you have knowledge of it then you will know. Or it could mean that knowledge is greater than just knowing numbers. I picked this quote because I agree with the fact that " a good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers".

  14. -Nothing can be more absurd than the practice that prevails in our country of men and women not following the same pursuits with all their strengths and with one mind, for thus, the state instead of being whole is reduced to half.

    To me this quote means that since everyone has a different out look on life things don't move as one in the world. People just move at their own pace. Plus , it's hard for people with different backgrounds to see eye to eye with others. Some people may think that their better than others. . Idk That's kinda of what comes to mind when I read this quote.

  15. ~Courage is knowing what not to fear.
    I dont know what he is trying to say,but I think what he is trying to say is that courage is to not be afraid and believe in yourself by not downing yourself and saying that you cant.
