Friday, December 3, 2010

Four Corners of Asian/Chinese History

Today in class you'll be learning about two of the following four things. Read each introduction and answer the following questions:
-Which of these things seems the most interesting to study? Why?
-Make a prediction on how might it effect us today?

-Which of these things seems the SECOND most interesting to study? Why? 
-Make a prediction on how might it effect us today?

Gheghis Khan ruler of the largest continues empire and a Prolific Lover. (DNA Data found that 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire carry y-chromosomes that are nearly identical. That translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today)

The great inventions of China. They’re called the ‘Si Da Ming‘ (literally “four big inventions”). Without them, the modern world as we know it today, probably wouldn’t exist. They are the following: papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and woodblock printing.

The Great Wall of China
The largest structure building by humans the Great Wall of China stretches over 5,500 miles (driving from Minneapolis to Miami THREE TIMES). Many manmade objects are viewable from space but none as clearly as this wall.

Terra-cotta Army
Built to protect an emperor in the next life this army has over 8,000 individual human sculptures. Each one is around six feet talk and the entire collection was built over 2,000 years ago.


  1. the grate wall of china because i want to know more about it

  2. I would like to learn about the Great wall of China, because it seems interesting to learn about a really long wall and who, when and why it was made. I have no idea how the Great wall of China would have effected us today. I would also like to learn about the Terra-cotta Army, because they guarded the Emperor from harm I would like to know and how do they protect the Emperor from harm and what type of weapons they have. Again I don't think this influence us at all, because it's way over there and I don't think that we have ever crossed paths with the Terra-cotta Army.

  3. what I think thats is interesting to study is that the great wall of china because I want learn.The reason why I want to learn about it because i never go to finish learning about and how it got built and stuff.I want to learn the history about it

  4. I would like to learn about inventions, because it's sounds more interesting then the other things.

  5. The most interesting thing to study would be the great wall of china. because i would like to learn how long it took to build it and how long it is and why it was built.
    The second most interesting thing to study is the four big inventions of china. I want to see what they are and maybe how long ago it was built. it could effect us by not having those things and we wouldn't be able to write in school and war would be way different.

  6. The great wall of china is the main thing i would like to study and the Terra-Cotta Army is the second thing i would like to study.

  7. I think the Inventions of China seemed the most interesting because I want to know where some of these things come from and how they came about. I think the Great Wall of China seems like the second because I want to know how long it took to make it and who made it. I also want to know the reason for it.

  8. The four great inventions and the terra-cotta soldiers.

  9. The two things that I would choose is the Great Wall of China, and the Terra-cotta Army

  10. Terra-cotta Army. The Great Wall of China. they would be interesting because the history behind it, and the accomplishments.

  11. I can't really decide which is more interesting; the inventions or the History of Genghis Khan. I think that is a really interesting fact that there are about 16 million descendants of Genghis Khan himself, considering what a large part of Asian history he was. I am also fascinated with the idea that a single empire stretched across nearly the entire Asian continent. That is huge and it would be interesting to learn about how that happened. How might it affect us today? I don't know what that question means.

  12. 1)The great wall of china and Terra-cotta Army.

    2) The reason because they sound most intresting

  13. I think Genghis Khan is the most interesting subject. He controlled a giant amount of land and his descendants were also conquerors.

    The Great wall is the second most interesting subject. It was a great engineering feat and is a big tourist destination

  14. The Great Wall

    It is still standing today and attracts tourism.

    The Terra cotta army, because it is visually appealing.

    -Make a prediction on how might it effect us today?

  15. The Terra-cotta Army and The Great Wall of China looks interesting to study.

  16. -I want to learn more about the ancient Greek stuff and how things worked and how are life would be if things still ran like that today.

  17. I think the second and first one would be the most interesting to learn. The second one is because I want to learn more about their inventions. The first one is because I find it interesting.

  18. The terra cotta army is the most interesting to me and then the great wall of china.

  19. 1. I think the Great Wall of China is interesting to me because I don't really know anything about it. The facts make it interesting.
    2. IT can protect us from enemies.
    3. The great inventions of China is interesting because it says that it is called "the four big inventions" literally.
    4. We would probably still be living in olden times because without the inventions we wouldn't be as modern as we are today.

  20. -Which of these things seems the most interesting to study? Why?

    I think the second seems most interesting because that is all how the modern day things were created and without them we wouldn't have all the things we have.

    -Make a prediction on how might it effect us today?

    If we didn't have those things then we wouldn't be where we are today in the modern world.

    -Which of these things seems the SECOND most interesting to study? Why?

    The Great Wall of China seems second most interesting because I don;t really know much about the Great Wall and I think it would be cool to learn about.

    -Make a prediction on how might it effect us today?

    If they hadn't built it then the would might have been different

  21. -Which of these things seems the most interesting to study? Why?

    The one that seems the most interesting to study is, The great walls of China. I choose that one because, it's something different to learn about. You get to learn what it was used for and how it got it's name. . . Stuff like that.

    -Make a prediction on how might it effect us today?

    Idk, i guess it could teach us about how they did things back then, compared to how they do things in today's world.

    -Which of these things seems the SECOND most interesting to study? Why?

    The second one would be I guess it would be The great inventions of China. I would pick that one because it's something that I haven't really heard about.

    -Make a prediction on how might it effect us today?

    It might effect us today because idk . It's different .
