Thursday, May 5, 2011

Schindler's List

For warmup today please start a blank pages document. Save it as Name_ViewingGuide_WH#. Copy paste the words below into your viewing guide. Then use the internet to find the definitions for the following words (also try to find a photo for each word):
Amon Goeth-
Oskar Schindler-
OD (Jewish Ghetto Police)-
SS (Schutzstaffel)-
Plaszow Forced Labor Camp-


  1. Krakow: A city which is infamous for it’s jewish ghettos during WWII.

    Judenrat: “Jewish rat” jewish council of 24, personally responsible for keeping order in the ghettos.

    Amon Goeth: Head of the commandant of Plaszow forced labor camp. (concentration camp)

    Oskar Schindler: A german industrialist creditied with saving almost 1200 jews.

    Ghetto: A ghetto is a section of a city occupied by a group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure.

    OD (Jewish Ghetto Police): Jewish council, jewish order service, organized under nazis.

    SS (Shutzstaffel): A nazi police storm trooper.

    Plaszow Forced Labor Camp: Concentration camp.

  2. - big city in Poland
    - the counsel
    - Leader of concentration camp
    - Saver of the Jewish people
    - poor places where Jewish people were supposed to live
    - The Jewish people that were told to police the areas in the ghetto
    - Hitler's body guards
    - concentration camp

  3. Krakow-is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland

    Judenrat-a council representing a Jewish community, esp. in German-occupied territory during World War II.

    Amon Goeth-The people I am going to hate

    Oskar Schindler-German industrialist. He saved more than 1,200 Jews from concentration camps by employing them first in his enamelware factory in Cracow and then in an armaments factory in Czechoslovakia in 1944. This was celebrated in the film Schindler's List (1993), based on Schindler’s Ark (1982), a novel by Thomas Keneally.

    Ghetto-a part of a city, esp. a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups.

    OD (Jewish Ghetto Police)-

    SS (Schutzstaffel)-

    Plaszow Forced Labor Camp-
