Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Music makes all the difference.

Music can make all the difference in creating mood and effecting people. For warmup today free-write for 6 minute about how music effects your day-to-day life and how music can change people (either temporarily and/or long-term).


  1. Music! what you listen to can effect you. If you listen to calm music you tend to be calm for the day or if you listen to up beat happy music you will be happy.

  2. I don't listen to music anymore so i don't know what to say in this post.

  3. Music expresses emotions. I personally listen to Wolf Gang when I'm in a good mood. But If I am not feeling to good then I will listen to slow songs like Chris B or Drake. But I usually go to and listen to mixtapes. So I guess I listen to all music, but certain songs depending on what mood I'm in.

  4. Music can change your mood in many ways. The type of music can determine the way you feel. For example, if you're listening to a sad song then you might feel sad or if you're listening to a happy song it can put you in a good mood.

  5. Music can effect people in many ways: It can help you relax, make you feel better when you're angry or sad. Music can also inspire people, either to have a career in music or a career in something else that they like to do, or even just to do something they've always wanted to do.

  6. Well, sometimes I get my inspiration from music for art and projects, but other than that I don't really listen to music... I think its strange though because my dads job is all about music and I'm not that interested.

  7. Music effects me because when I get mad I listen to a playlist I have that calms me down. If I'm happy i listen to music that keeps me happy and then I start to sing the song which really keeps me happy. When I'm doing work I listen to music so that I can stay concentrated and I will do all my work,finish it, and not talk to people that will get me distracted from my work.

  8. Music makes me feel unbreakable, unstoppable, powerful, feels like I can do anything. I get a lot of adrenaline from it. Its amazing, I would not make it through the day with out my music.
    Eminem makes me feel like a bad ass, and super powerful. I could not live without him. He makes my life 100X better.
    Adam Lambert makes me feel like a super star, dance like no one is watching.

  9. How music effect me is because when im in a bad mood it makes me happy. Sometimes when im feel like crying I put on some sad music. I think music can make you feel happy sad, mad by just the beat of the music and the way the artist is singing it. I think some music make you clam.

  10. Haaaa I remember studying this! Fun fact, you like music depending on the pattern of how your brain cells fire, or how fast. Cats mostly prefer jazz music.
    Welp. I love music to the very depths of my soul and heart. Like. Passion. It does very much effect my mood, when I was young some doctor prescribed a drug to fight against my asthma. Oops, this drug was made for 60+ year olds, so it severely f---cked up my head. I remember listening to a lot of piano music, it calmed me down. I think because of that, piano music just reminds me of the underside of tables, or hiding in small places; that's what I would do during that time. Now though, I love fast music that's like a seizure hemorrhage. It keeps me up and inspired.

  11. I think music can change your mood and how you act depending on the person you are. It also depends on the music you are listening to for example if you are listening to some mellow or soft music it could effect your mood or if you listening to some heavy metal it could effect your mood in a totally different way.

  12. Music can portray a mood, because there are so many different types. And each person can interpret it differently. I think people have a certain ear for the type of music they love. I happen to love heavy metal, I can fall asleep to that music, I can do anything with that music. My family however, except my dad, can't STAND it. My mom likes sweet, pretty music, and my brother likes more alternative. My sister also likes sweet pretty music. It kind of goes with their personalities, so I guess metal is mine, rock and metal. There's a lot of groups of music, so it is almost a place to "fit in" so to say. Some people don't like music for that reason.

  13. Music can have a lot of influence, Artist are very creative which make young age groups want to be the same way. I think Music has a lot to do with some positive and negative outcomes of the young kids today. I think that music is great though I enjoy listening to it and it gives me a lot of inspiration on what i'm doing such as drawing. I <3 music :)

  14. Music ccan make me wanna sing, dance laugh, smile and play. Music effects my day ALOT. In the morning if i listen to a song thats up beat then i get in a really good mood. But if i listen to some gangster thug nasty rap then i feel like tookie and i want to fight and im on the edge of violence. If i just listen to some nice mellow chill rap with nice lyrics then i feel more conserved and ready to work because listening to complex lyrics with a lot of metaphors and word play make me think more. I love my music !

  15. Music is apart of my daily life. I listen to different type of music for different reasons. For an example, earlier this morning (before I was in a bad mood) I listened to the Avett brothers. I listened to one of their happy songs because that was a mood that I was in. It help sustains the happiness.

    After a few events, I started listening to Grieves who's music is all very sad and depressing. The reason why I listen to sad music is not to "sustain" that bad energy, but to relieve it. I do not understand how it works, but instead of making me even more mad, it makes dealing with stuff easier.

  16. -Music is life. Different kind of people listen to different kinds of music. The kind of music u listen to can be changed by your mood.

  17. Music affects me, because it help me to concentrate on things, and get things done faster. Sometimes when I don't feel like being bother by others I just listen to music to calm my nerves and just block out people. Music can change people because it's able to inspire people to do many different things. I don't know what those things would be.. But, yeah!

  18. music effects me greatly. I think of music constantly. I think of music so much that I don't even think about thinking about it. Either I am hearing music by other people or I am coming up with entire compositions in my head, which sucks actually because I can never remember them and when I do I do not know how to express them. right now I am listening to music by justice, a french electro duo that makes awesome distorted music which is really great. Like I said, I am constantly listening and or thinking about music and It's great because music is awesome. Music can greatly effect the mood of everything. one of my favorite pastimes is juxtaposing music with things I see (often out of the car or bus window). It's fun to put ill-fitting music to scenes. Also, most of the videos I have made have been based around music; I think it provides an emotional basis for a movie. Other people have scripts and such, I have music.

  19. Depressing songs can make you depressed. Sometimes songs can bring back memories even if the lyrics have nothing to do with the memory. Sometimes it makes you sad listening to a song that you listened to at a sad part of your life.

    Sometimes songs can make you really happy though. If you are sad, you can listen to a cheery song and it can help you feel better.

  20. Whenever I'm not talking or in class, I'm usually listening to music. Without it I feel bored. It's another thing to do besides drawing- it's art and entertainment (depending on what you listen to). It can also show what kind of person you are, even though some people think that's a stereotype. I listen to a variety of things because I have my dad's, brother's, and my own music. I'm happy with that because different types of music have a different mood. I can't necessarily connect a song to how I feel but if you listened to my ipod you might understand.

  21. Music is me! I love to sing, write songs and if i dont have music...I dont concentrate nor focus. Not one day goes by without me listening to music. My mom thinks im crazy because all i do is listen to music, She swears its an disorder. But different types of music change my mood. There are many mixed emotions i have when listening to music and my moods can go from sad to angry to excited to hyper and back again. So to end this off , Music has a MAJOR impact on me, my life and my emotions.

  22. It really depends on the type of music you listen to. For me, the way I start off my day I listen to Lupe Fiasco's song "The Show Goes On". I listen to that song because the song basically talks about no matter what happens you have to continue with your life. And during the day I listen to T.I. and Chris Browns song called "Get Back Up". I listen to that song because it talks about how whenever you mess up you have to get back up and try again or to continue with your life. These songs change my emotions because I try to connect with the lyrics and those lyrics have so much power to change my emotions. But I guess that's just me. Whenever I hear a song, I don't listen to the beat. I will forever and always listen to the lyrics. To me, the lyrics is the most powerful thing a song has. The lyrics have the ability to change a persons emotion or perspective on anything. The beat is also an emotion changer but I would pick the lyrics over the beat of a song any day. Lyrics can speak to you, make you laugh, make you cry, make you enraged, or make you feel any emotion you feel when you hear the song or the lyrics in the song.

  23. The way music changes my mood is when is real and makes me realize that I can do the something.Hearing sad music makes knowing that I am in a sad mood and depress makes me just want to cry.When I am sad and I hear a song that is a relaxing song helps me change my mood and realize that I shouldn't be crying over those little things.

  24. I love music I always listen to it I have to at least listen to 5 times a day about a hour every time. music is one of my passion music is my life I don't know what I will do with out music I might go crazy. If I'm mad I will turn on some Trey Songz and my whole mood will change back. I love to dance and you have to have music to dance right? I love to dance to many different of beats fast, slow, medium what ever as long as it's music I don't care. Music is every thing to me like I said I don't know what I would do with out it.

  25. Music is my life because for me, it can change my emotions. Like when I'm sad, i become happy when i listen to fast songs.. Music has a history.

  26. the music plays a big role in the video if you do not have good music on your video it can really mess up the vid.

  27. - when i listen to music it really doesn't have an effect on me . i just listen to listen .. music doesn't get me . so yes it doesn't have an effect on me , but when im down or happy , or feel like dancing then ill listen to that type of music .

  28. I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!!]

